Contextual study / The infallibles /

Estimation of study time: 1 minute

Is the tradition mentioned in Shia books about Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) praying behind Marwan bin Hakam reliable?

The narrations regarding Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein (AS) offering prayers behind Marwan have been narrated in Shia sources through different chains of transmission. One of the narrations has been narrated from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (AS) and the other from Imam Musa bin Ja'far (AS). These narrations are treated as narrations reporting an incident of taqiya (dissimulation) practiced by the Imams. In fact, taqiya is a calculated tactic for protection of human forces and preventing casualty for petty and insignificant issues. .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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