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According to Shia, the Holy Prophet of Islam (s) and Shiite Imams are higher in rank than the other prophets. Kindly provide some reference from the Quran to prove Shiite claim in this regard. As far as I know, the Quran explicitly states that the prophets are not different from each other. Also, I would like to know whether or not the Infallible Imams and the Prophet had the power to commit sins. If they did, then they were angels not human beings. If they did not, then one cannot trust a human being who is prone to error. Please give reference from the Quran because I am bogged down in confusions. For God's sake, answer my question from the Quran as soon as possible. Of course, it is not possible to understand the Quran without relying on hadith but I want you to provide some reference from the Quran about this claim which seems to be in contradiction with the Quran because the Holy Prophet of Islam (s) said that in order for you to verify the authenticity of the Quran, you should see whether it is in conformity with the Quran or not. If it is in conformity with the Quran, then accept it.

The above question has been propounded in two parts one of which has been dealt with in our previous answer to similar questions. The other part consists of two main points that need to be studied here. One, the duty of mankind is to believe in the divine prophets and not to differentiate between them in terms of their righteousness and their being the prophets of God. The second point to focus upon is the rank and virtue of the prophets in comparison with each other. Given that human beings have been created free to fulfill their religious obligations and duties and that different individuals have different capacities, it can therefore be said that any variance in rank and virtue (even amongst the Infallibles) is something that does not affect or impair our beliefs. .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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