The infallibles /

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I have been told by several individuals that this hadith is invalid or that it is not a hadith: “Every day is Ashura and every place is Karbala”. I have also read on the internet that this is a hadith from Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him). Please give me information about this and please tell me how correct or reliable this hadith is. Thank you.

We weren’t able to find any hadithic proof showing that this sentence: “Every day is Ashura and every place is Karbala” is a hadith from the infallibles. Yet this concept which is derived from the occasion of Karbala and the line of movement of our imams, is a correct one, containing instructive and valuable points. The reason being that although the incident of Ashura will never be repeated again, but oppression and tyranny are an everyday thing until the appearance of Imam Mahdi (as) and his wiping out all oppression and tyranny. The culture of Ashura will be alive throughout history and time and Karbala will remain the symbol of resistance and struggle against injustice and oppression for divine goals. Our religious leaders have taught us to stand up against oppression and they themselves have also practiced this. Therefore it isn’t true to say that Ashura was a historical incident limited to a specific time and place. .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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