Philosophy of Religion and Law / The infallibles /

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As-Salaamu AlaykumWhy was the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) allowed to marry more than four women and could you also provide evidence which can be established as proof.Wa Alaykum Salaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu

The topic of the prophet of Islam’s (P.B.U.H.) marriages and number of spouses is a subject which has been questioned very much. In reference to this issue, we should mention first of all that before the ruling for the impermissibility of having more than four wives was revealed, Hazrat Muhammad was already married to all of his spouses. Secondly, the marriages of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) entailed prominent goals such as:Saving certain women (Soudeh and Umm Habibeh – the daughter of Abu Sufiyan) from falling into the midst of blasphemous and polytheist tribes.Strengthening rapport with key Arab tribes and gaining their support (Aisha and Hafseh)Maintaining the prestige and dignity of certain distinguished women (Zainab the daughter of Jahsh)Assisting with their plight, easing their troubles, and taking on the guardianship of their orphans (Umm Salameh)Doing away with the ignorant custom of not marrying the divorced spouse of a god-son (Zainab the daughter of Jahsh)Freeing the captures of war and reinforcing Islamic principles in Non-Muslim tribes (Juvairiyeh and Safiyeh) The proof in this is that all of the spouses of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.), with the exception of Aisha were all elderly widows. From what has been mentioned here we can gather that if Allah gave permission to his prophet to marry more than four women then it was for the sake of significant common good. Furthermore, this law has given permission to someone who would not abuse it, and the evidence of that is the life and character of the prophet Muhammad himself (P.B.U.H.). And although he had the capability to marry attractive young women, he was content with his older spouses. Therefore, with respect to the high-ranking position of the prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) and the common good entailed, some laws and rules have become specific to that Prophet (P.B.U.H.), such as the lawfulness of him having more than four spouses .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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