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If you Shias are right about Muawiyah being a ‘factory’ of hadith fabrication, show me some hadiths that have praised Muawiyah and Yazid in Sunni sources. If you are right, then cite one example.

There is no doubt that ahadith have been fabricated in praise of Muawiyah. Some have even written books in his praise, such as Ibn Hajar, whose book is titled “Tat’hir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan”. Also, some who refused to write such books were scolded and accused of being associated with the Shia. The thing to keep in mind is that this matter of fabrication was overdone so much to the extent that it entailed the objection of everyone, even of those who weren’t against the whole idea, and resulted in a great number of the Sunnis rejecting the hadiths and saying that there is no authentic hadith regarding Muawiyah (this is while they themselves would speak good of Muawiyah and were on his side). Sarakhsi says about Muawiyah: “قد کان هو من کبار الصّحابة رضى اللَّه عنهم و کان کاتب الوحى و کان أمیر المؤمنین ‏و قد أخبره رسول اللَّه صلّى اللَّه علیه و آله و سلّم بالملک بعده‏ فقال له علیه السّلام یوما: إذا ملکت امر امتى فأحسن إلیهم. إلّا أنّ نوبته کانت بعد انتهاء نوبة على رضى اللَّه عنه و مضى مدّة الخلافة فکان مخطئا فی مزاحمة على رضى اللَّه عنه تارکا لما هو واجب علیه من الانقیاد له، لا یجوز أن یقال فیه أکثر من هذا”. Also, Ibn Teymiyyah says: “و معاویة لیس له بخصوصه فضیلة فى الصحیح لکن قد شهد مع رسول اللَّه صلّى اللَّه علیه و سلم حنینا و الطائف و غزوة تبوک و حج معه حجة الوداع و کان یکتب الوحى فهو ممن ائتمنه النبى صلّى اللَّه علیه و سلم على کتابة الوحى کما ائتمن غیره من الصحابة”. .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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