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The author of Nahj al-Balāghah (Peak of Eloquence), which is an authentic Shī‛ah book, narrates that Ali (as) refrained from accepting the office of caliphate and said, “Leave me and seek someone else” (Nahj al-Balāghah p. 136, p. 322 and p. 366-367).Does this statement not invalidate the validity of the Shī‛ah school of thought? You, as followers of this school of thought, claim that Ali (as) was appointed to the office of caliphate and Imamah by the decree of Allah. If that is the case, then why did he refrain from accepting this position?

The appointment of Ali (as) to the position of Imamah and wilāyah by divine decree and that he was chosen for this position by Allah, has been established through strong and sound arguments. However, regarding the meaning of this statement, of the Commander of the Faithful’s, “Leave me and seek someone else”, it must be said that although the legitimacy of the position of Imamah is by virtue a divine appointment, its actualization and public reception and acceptance is dependent upon the acceptance and allegiance of the people. In this sermon (of which you only quoted a small portion of the beginning), Imam Ali (as) has pointed out the fact that the conditions for the actualization and acceptance of this office have not been completed yet and these are obstacles to it. By stating some of the issues, he wanted to complete the evidence for the people so that they may realize the importance of their duty and the burden that falls on their shoulders to remove the impediments in the way of the practical implementation of this divine trust; so that the people are completely prepared to fulfill their obligations in this regard and moreover his opponents have no excuse left to resort to. This claim can be substantiated by the fact that in subsequent sentences Ḥaḍrat Ali (as) goes on to say, “We are facing an issue which has (several) faces and colors, which neither hearts can stand nor intelligence can accept. Clouds are hovering in the sky, and faces are not discernible. You should know that if I respond to your invitation, then I would lead you as I know how and would not care about what people may say nor listen to their admonishment.” .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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