category : Laws and Jurisprudence -> تقریباً 465

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What is the Islamic law about women going out with makeup?

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We are always told that to evade government tax is forbidden. Suppose we are living in a non-Muslim country where a large sum of the tax is being embezzled by government officials due to corruption an....

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Has it ever happened for the prophet or imams to get married to a woman, and then divorce her?

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What is the philosophy behind prostrating on earth? And why do the Shia prostrate on turbah, and tasbihs made of the soil of Karbala?

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Why should half of Khums be given to sayyids, and is Khums something that has been crafted and introduced by Shiites? As far as I know, there is only one verse in the Quran regarding Khums. I wonder why the Sunnis who claim to be the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) do not recognize Khums. I believe paying Khums can be very helpful in adjusting wealth and reducing class gap.

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Is it permissible for a person to give Khums to his own son who is a religious student?

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Please explain the importance of nawafil [plural form of nafila] (night vigil prayer) and its importance. What is the ruling if it is missed? Is there a compensation for it? If it can be compensated, is it possible to perform it at any time? What is the ruling of its compensation for an ailing person who has missed it? Should the order of nawafil be considered in their compensation?

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Why does the Quran say that you can beat your wives?

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Recently I have bought a pair of leather shoes which the seller claims to be the produce of Italy. In fact, the shoes are Italian but the question is that: Can we just trust the seller or the trade mark? If yes, how do we have to go about it when it comes to ritual purity given the fact that I wear those shoes throughout the day and I cannot afford to buy another pair of shoes?

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If a person's intention is to gain fitness through dancing, in a group or alone, and there is no frivolity or libidinous pleasure involved, is it haram? I mean sports like aerobics etc.?

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Asalaams… My family as a whole have a question: my sister some 7 years ago married a Christian… during that time we were not very religious… but now we realize that she cannot marry a non-Muslim… my s....

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I am a Sunni in love with a Shi'a guy, can we get married and is it haram?

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Why is pork haraam? Is there a reason for all religious laws?

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Do ointment, cream and similar materials transmit impurity? What about liquids other than water?

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When travelling from one country to another, we go by plane and it takes three hours for instance, and we have no intention of staying at the destination country for ten days, it has been said that we....

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Where has the concept of the Wilayat al-Faqih been mentioned in the Quran?

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Please explain all the rules and issues regarding night vigil prayer or what is known as Salat al-layl.

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Can you please explain why it is haram to marry the wives of the prophet after his demise?

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Can you shed some light on the scope and limits of wilayat-e faqih (rule of jurisprudent)?

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Is it Haram to steal something back from someone who has already stolen it from you?

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The Iranian banks give interest to those who have savings accounts. Is the interest (mark-up) which is given by the banks to the account holder halal or haram?

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Is it permissible to bury Muslims in kafir cemeteries?

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What is the rule of using mouth-washers which usually contain some alcohol?

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What is the view of the majority of scholars regarding Wilayah Faqih during the major Occultation?

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I am a divorced mother, who has full custody of my four children. What is the proper role of the father of my children? Is it his Islamic right to have full custody of the children?

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What is the place of the people in regards to a government system based on the Wali Faqih and its difference with a government system based on liberalism?

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What is the ruling on having an illegitimate relationship with a married woman over the phone? Will my repentance be accepted? Have I trampled someone else’s rights (haqq al-nas)?

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What is the ruling on paying for the prayer and fasts of a deceased person who, when alive, would pray only one month throughout the year despite being healthy?

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What is the ruling on looking at porn that involves only non-Muslim and unknown individuals?

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What is the reasoning of secularists in separating religion from politics?

Address: Laboratory of Data Mining and Image Processing, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Shahroud University of Technology



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