category : پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی ها -> تقریباً 8

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Is Lordship confined to God Almighty or do those servants who have reached the high position of being God’s vicegerent in this world (khalīfatullah) have a certain part and share as well (not in creation, but in management)? If so, please explain how this doesn’t conflict with tawhid (divine unity)?

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When it comes to divine attributes (for example when the discussion revolves around “Bismillahir-Rahmanir Rahim”), sometimes it is said that the attributes (names) are the same as the named or the ess....

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Please explain the three attributes just, most compassionate and one when attributed to God.

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Please explain God”s attribute of being the owner and master? Why is he described as "king"?

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Salamun alaykum, I hope you are successful and in the best of your health. Given the fact that man is unable to understand most of the truths and considering that God, the Exalted, says about Himself in the Quran, “there is nothing like Him”, how can we assume God in a way which is free of polytheism and disbelief? Thank you.

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Prove the existence of God and then indicate how qualities such as being pure, sacrosanct (inviolable), and the greater, etc can be proven in regards to Him?

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Is divine knowledge merely proven by the teleological argument?

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Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?

Address: Laboratory of Data Mining and Image Processing, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Shahroud University of Technology



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